
Natural Powder for 

eco-friendly Fire Control

Noignis uses oxygen displacement as extinguishing method. The unique product is made of ingredients from the food industry.

It works in water of any kind and brings no harm to nature, animals or human beings.

For decades, there has been research into developing an environmentally friendly fire retardant, that is easy to handle and at the same time doesn’t damage the environment with harmful chemicals. 

Now the product is ready to set a barrier, that prevents fire from spreading without making any harm to the surroundings. The name is Noignis and means ‘No Fire’. 

Unique and patented

Noignis fire control product is unique in several ways:

  • The product can be mixed with water of any kind
  • Innovative formula with ingredients from the food industry
  • The nature grows on even if it has been treated against a wildfire with Noignis
  • EEC and FDA approved
  • Patented in Denmark and applied in another 160 countries

Perfect for your industry




Private label

The environment will not suffer from chemicals used under the fire